Welcome everyone to LS Tuition!
My name is Lydia and I am so thrilled to finally be seeing my teaching dreams become a reality!
I have been working with children for almost 7 years now and find it to be the most rewarding career. It is truly my joy to see children reach new academic heights and develop thier personal sense of self.
My aim in starting LS Tuition is to provide for each child I work with, a completley personalised learning journey based on the 4 W’s:
- Who: who are you as a person? What are your interests? What is your background and how can I tailor my learning and teaching to you personally based on this?
- What: what are you looking for? Within which area of the curriculum (literacy, maths etc). A general review of all topics within a chosen curricular area, or focussed teaching within one or a couple concepts? E.g. inferential comprehension, fractions etc). How can I be specific in my lesson delivery
- Why: why have you sought tuition at this time? Are you preparing for a school entrace exam? Have you started a new topic in school and feel you could benefit from some further guidance to support your school learning?
- Where: where do wish to be at each stage of your learning journey? What goals do you have that we can discuss and work together towards achieving?
These questions form part of my initial communication with you as well as my own ongoing professional practice when working with you and your child/children. I endeavour always to work with you to enable your child to not only be successful but feel successful, capable, confident and powerful in their knowledge and in themselves.
It will truly be my pleasure to welcome you to the LS Tuition family! Please feel free to browse the website where you wil be able to set up a personal account for lesson bookings/payments; learn more about online learning and my very own virtual classroom, read reviews from my current wonderful students and their families, and find out more about everything LS Tuition has to offer!
I look forward to meeting with you soon!
Lydia x